We’ve had another stunning delivery from the Milan and Rungis markets this morning.
- Yellow plums
- Mixed baby tomato
- Castelfranco
- Round courgette
- Cipollini onions
- Red & Yellow peppers
- Round purple aubergine
- Borlotti Beans
- Courgette Trombetta
- Bunched red onions
- San Marzano tomatoes
- Yellow beans
- Datterino tomatoes
- Friggitello peppers
- Salanova salad
- Charentais melon
- Italian Roman courgette

We also have some beautiful UK produce amongst today’s arrivals:
Green beans, Suger snaps, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Broad beans and Peas.
Please get your order in early to avoid missing any of these products.01793 683299 or email orders@fsfruit.co.uk